Thursday, February 18, 2021

                                   Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

I have followed the ministry of the Apostle, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price ever since my days of working at WCBW Radio and key at getting his broadcast Ever Increasing Faith, on KIRL Radio when I worked there. I am so thankful for the way God used him as a powerful teacher of faith! I grew so much over the years through his teachings. It was a pleasure to meet and spend a little time with Dr. Fred and Dr. Betty Price and some of the Price family. My thoughts and prayers are with the Price Family and all the members of Crenshaw Christian Center. May God grant you comfort and peace. Dr. Price fought the good fight of faith. . . he's now resting in the presence of the Lord!

Friday, February 5, 2021

Congratulations to Ms. Amanda Gorman! Gracing the Cover of Time Magazine! So powerful! So wonderful! The 22-year old delivered her stunning poem, "The Hill We Climb" at the Joe Biden Presidential Inauguration!